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Mask #10

Mask #10


Reusable Social Mask

This is not a surgical or professional mask. It is a social mask in 100% cotton fabric, two layers, washable and reusable.

Sizes: Standard - 16cm hight, XL - 18cm hight, Child - 14cm, Child -12cm


These masks are intended for use by people when they leave their homes to travel to their workplace, school or business premises, to help protect the community. It should be used in closed indoor spaces, as a complement to the recommended social distance measures and hand hygiene.

Before first use, wash the mask and adjust the length of the elastic through the knot. The knot can then be hidden in the side sheath of the mask.

Adjust the mask by covering the nose and chin, and avoid touching it while in use. The mask must be removed through the elastic bands.


These masks must be used for a maximum period of 4 hours, and must be changed whenever they are wet. They should also be washed using a complete wash cycle at 60 ° C with detergent and can only be used after being well dried.

For more information, see the recommendations of World Health Organization

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